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In Our Guide To Dental Implants, We Will Cover The Following Topics:
Dental implants are artificial tooth roots that provide a permanent base for fixed, replacement teeth. They provide you comfort, assurance, and security because they behave and feel exactly like your actual teeth. Imagine them as tiny biocompatible metal or ceramic anchors inserted into your jawbone, where they gradually merge to form a solid foundation for your new teeth.
A missing tooth can impact your life more than you may expect like bone loss, dental shift, speech impairment, eating difficulties etc.
If you have one or more missing teeth, dental implants may be the best option for you. Of course, having healthy gums and enough jawbone density are prerequisites for support.
Tooth implant comes with a plethora of perks because its easy to maintain, they are better than bridges.
There are many options available, including removable dentures.
We assess your oral health during your initial consultation and evaluate, in the next step we present you with a transparent overview of the costs associated with dental implants. Once the healing process is complete, our dental laboratories and ceramists craft a customised crown and abutment.
Once you have dental implants, you must care for them like your real teeth. We recommend daily care and professional maintenance for long-lasting implants. Maintain a balanced diet for overall good health and optimal recovery.
Start Your Dental Implants Treatment For Straighter Teeth
Grab your free ebook today to learn about Dental Implant and its many benefits. For more information, contact us on (03) 9034 5949.
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