Thinking About Straight Teeth?

Thinking About Straight Teeth

With the current Covid-19 restrictions enforced, social gatherings have been greatly reduced, and everyone is wearing masks. We have been inundated with requests from our patients to start the braces or Invisalign journey during this period.


FAQ’S Straight Teeth

Have you thought about straightening your teeth, but were lost as to where to start?

Schedule your Orthodontic Consultation with our team at The Smile Designer Dental Studio, located in Melbourne’s Inner North. Our team will guide you through your options, costs and the process of how you can achieve that smile you have always wanted.

What are my options?

There are multiple options available to get your teeth straight:-

Clear Aligners – these are virtually invisible aligners that are removable and must be worn full time for the duration of your treatment. Yes, they can be removed to eat and drink, but you are in control of your treatment. Invisalign, Clear Correct, Sure Smile, and Angel Align are some of the many companies that offer clear aligner solutions

Traditional Orthodontic Treatment – Traditional Orthodontic treatment using braces are the most effective when it comes to more complex movements. Some people have really crooked teeth and misalignment of their jaws. Others require teeth to be removed or even jaw surgery. In growing teenagers and younger kids, traditional orthodontic treatment is still the most effective and common form of treatment to straighten teeth.

Ceramic and Lingual Braces – These are the next most discreet option to achieving straight teeth, after clear aligners, due to their colour and placement of the braces.

Our team of experienced dentists will review your occlusion, teeth and jaw position and work out your suitability for each option.

What are the Costs involved?

At your initial Free Orthodontic Consultation, we will guide you through all your options and costs. As each individual person is different, and requires varying levels of treatment, it is best to come in so we can review your smile goals and discuss how we can help you achieve the smile you want. Like designing a house, creating a new smile involves vision and planning, and after our initial consultation, we will plan for the relevant records to analyse your treatment goals in more detail.

Do I need to get my teeth checked and cleaned before I start any Orthodontic Treatment?

Regular dental hygiene and maintenance visits are essential to maintain a healthy smile for life. Take advantage of our New Patient examination and Dental Hygiene visit prior to embarking on your journey to creating a new smile with our team at The Smile Designer.

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Meet the Team

Dr Dev Boparoy

Dr Dev Boparoy

Madeleine Duff

Dr Madeleine Duff

Your Journey

Your Journey

Book An Online Appointment Today

Our Preston dental clinic remains open 5 days a week. We offer morning and evening appointments to cater to your busy lifestyle. We invite and welcome all new patients as well existing patients to our state-of-the-art clinic to experience a smile journey like no other.
Our quality dental treatments at an affordable price range will make you love visiting us. For more information on our services and payment plan, Contact us today on 03 9089 7574 or [email protected]. You can also use our online form or our online booking platform to schedule an appointment with us.
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